



●Outreach/Nurturing growth


●International Networking




■JCDN Goals and activities

●Information Accessibility

JCDN is producing a database of information on dance artists, producers, programs, venues and public institutions throughout the country, with the dual purpose of marking this information available to all and encouraging the flowering of dance within society.

⇒ Production and Publishing of the JCDN Membership Dance File
The Dance File contains the profiles of the Active Members of JCDN (including dance artists, producers, venues and critics), and is updated and published each year alternately as a book and as a DVD/CD-ROM.
Supported since 2002 by the art Organization Human Resources Development Program of the Agency of Cultural Affairs.

⇒ The JCDN Website http://www.jcdn.org/
The JCDN website contains information in English regarding JCDN's history, goals and activities, and profiles of JCDN Active Members. The following information is currently available in Japanese only ; Fresh Dance Critic (an Experiment in Revitalizing dance criticism), public invitations and auditions, a user's message board and links to support organizations and other dance-related sites both in Japan and overseas.

⇒ Contemporary dance Video Library ( in development)
With a large and varied collection of dance-related media in video and other formats, JCDN hopes to stimulate those involved in dance to higher levels of activities.
A database of dance images and written materials from all over Japan is being organized for the study and enjoyment of all. JCDN hopes this database will also serve as an archive of contemporary dance in Japan and aid in the development of dance libraries at regional theaters and performance venues.


Japan Contemporary Dance Network / 503 Opasu Shijo, 241 Shinmei-cho,Simogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8092 JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)75-361-4685 / Fax: +81-(0)75-361-6225 / jcdn:jcdn.org / www.jcdn.org